A Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation - Established for Charitable and Educational Purposes
Tax Exempt Status under IRS Section 501 (c) (3) - Tax ID# 33-0854333

Why CEPA? 

"As the times are new, so we must think anew." This is just as true today as when Abraham Lincoln wrote it over a century ago. Where will our next generation of leaders come from? Will they be prepared to deal with international challenges? Preparing visionary leaders is key in this era of globalization. You are invited to share your creative ideas and strategies for developing "Futuristic Leadership."

The Vision

CEPA was founded and developed in 1995 by Dr. Rodriguez. It is an innovative approach for developing instructional leaders through ethical, interdisciplinary and international leadership. CEPA embraces vision, risk, and change for the new millennium for creating a cadre of qualified leaders to carry out new collaborative initiatives.

Goals and Objectives

CEPA provides an opportunity for leaders to learn to be visionary, become risk-takers, and break away from the old paradigm to make positive changes. Through CEPA qualities and skills are gained for a strong foundation of leadership: relentless drive to improve education, a deep sense of integrity and inner strength, and the ability to initiate a dynamic interchange of ideas with others dedicated to a common mission & philosophy.

Commitment is What Transforms a Promise into Reality

As we begin to redefine the leadership direction that we take, we must ask important questions such as: What are the experiences that are needed to nurture leadership? How do we develop responsible leadership as well as empower and mentor our future leaders? How do we train leaders to project into the future and stay focused on their vision?
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CEPA is organizaed to promote instructional leadership and civic educational initiatives to sustain a democratic society.

Ethical Leadership ~~~~~Interdisciplinary Leadership~~~~~ International Leadership!

A New Brand of Leadership

CEPA was developed in response to the urgent need for improving instructional leadership. It is an innovative and bold leadership initiative with an emphasis on developing future instructional leaders through collaborative arrangements and partnerships among educators and other professionals. The CEPA platform for effective leadership encompasses three major components: (a) collaborative decision-making using democratic principles, (b) interdisciplinary leadership, and (c) international leadership.

CEPA has inspired participants to become their own leaders--not simply to follow, but to ask questions, challenge authority, defy orthodoxy, and lead lives of integrity. Participants are mentored in the design and development of their vision for bringing about change. They are encouraged to become focused and passionate in guiding instructional programs. Vision is not seeing things as they are, but as they will be. CEPA is developing an organizational cultural change where leadership is viewed as power with people, not over people. CEPA promotes the idea that emerging leaders measure themselves by the vision of the future.

Collaborative Partnerships and Outreach

CEPA is preparing leaders with bold and adventurous ideas who (a) possess the passion to take vision to implementation, (b) who can initiate a dynamic interchange of ideas with other professionals and disciplines dedicated to a common mission and philosophy, and (c) who can listen and capture the imagination of those who also want to contribute creative and innovative ideas for a shared vision of the future--the second component of CEPA.

CEPA outreach initiatives are also intended for increasing mutual understanding between nations. International conferences strengthen the ties which unite us by demonstrating educational and cultural interests, development, and our collective achievements--the third component of CEPA.

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Benifits of CEPA conferences include

  • National and International Exposure, Networking and Outreach Opportunities
  • Involvement with Political Officials and Prominent Individuals from Academia, as well as Business, Civic, Law Enforcement, and Military Leaders
  • Attendant Positive Recognition and Publicity
  • A Natural Forum to Discuss a New Vision on Leadership for the 21st Century
  • Increased Communication and Building on a Cooperative Approach for Continued Dialogue, and Information Exchange
  • Access/Links to the CEPA Consortium and other Organizations Broadening Collaborative Horizon
  • Commitment to Mutual Support to Establish a Common Ground for Future Working Relationships

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